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  • Software & Game Engineer, and Technical Artist
  • Specialize in Computer Graphics
  • 2019 - ( End of ) 2023: Hypergryph, ( End of ) 2023 - present: Ubisoft Montreal
  • Having macOS & Windows
  • Having iOS & Android
  • Fans of Apple & Sony
  • Enjoys playing casual games, occasionally plays chess and the Cities: Skylines series
  • Rhythm Game, Cytus II & OSU
  • Cosplayer ( kind of... )
  • Learning iOS ( SwiftUI ) and Android ( Jetpack Compose ) for fun
  • Logic Pro & Cubase ( Nuendo )
  • Sketch & Figma

For my resume and publication info, plz contact me.


  • Mandarin
  • Cantonese
  • English

This site

  • Strapi ( CMS & Backend )
  • Astro ( Web framework )
  • astro-paper ( Theme )